Sunday, July 13, 2008

Heading off a Surgery

Well we finally got Cedric in to see a great doctor in physiotry. Cedric has been in braces since he was about 2yrs old, because he walks on his toes. Unlike most kiddos his age his braces have to be made out of adult grade plastic because of his strength. This can be hard over time on his muscles, bones and tendons. The biggest issue is to preserve his ability to walk and while the braces have been awesome, as he grows his tendons will get shorter. So we have started him on Baclofen to help relax his muscles. ( In starting this medicine we hope to stem off his heel cord lengthening surgery until he is 8 yrs old. I am pleased to say it has been working! Cedric is back to tolerating his braces better, especially the right one. Also, while he is out of braces he is standing with flat feet and walking much all his years in braces when the braces came off he never did this. We are so excited to see this change!


Elijah said...

way to go Cedric, we pary the bacloren does the job for you - Elijah's took baclofen and it work wonders for his stability - way to go with standing flat on your feet without the brace - YEAH !


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This is a little glimpse into my life as a kiddo w/ Angelman Syndrome.

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